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Throughout my time as a game designer on Powerwash Simulator I've undertaken a variety of responsibilities. Here are a few illustrative examples of the tasks I've accomplished.

Key Responsibilities

  • Coordination between Design and Art throughout the entire process of level creation to ensure adhesion to the design documentation.

  • Pitching ideas for new DLC levels to present to IP holders.

  • Creating narratives and stories for each DLC level and working together with writers to ensure the vision for the game is held correctly.

  • Instructed junior designers on the work flow and tools used in the project.

  • Creation and implementation of narrative story-telling through bespoke dirt placement.

  • Balancing of cleaning thresholds and implementation of level boundaries in Unity.


I joined Powerwash Simulator just as it had released its 1.0 version and I started working on their first DLC: Tomb Raider.

Although being new to the industry, I quickly learned the tools and workflow necessary to be a productive part of the team. By the end of the first month I had already started working on pitching new dirt ideas, dirt placement and the narrative storytelling reflected within levels.

An example of this is the Secret Treasure Room in the Tomb Raider DLC, where the room needed to seem old and dusty but also having had signs of recent visits from Lara Croft. There I added layers of dust on the relics and cobwebs on the ceiling as well as mud signs on the floor, to reference players using the quad bike in the original SEGA game.

As I worked on other DLCs I also showed an aptitude for more classic narrative design such as the messages that the player receives during each level, which function as a plot. When working on the Warhammer 40k Special Pack I came up with the plot and helped our writer create the story that is now present in the DLC. Being an ardent Warhammer fan I used my knowledge to create a story that had to fit the rigid standards of a PEGI 3 game, the funny and somewhat light mood of Powerwash and the grimdark feel and deep lore of Warhammer 40k.

Powerwash DLCs I Have Worked On

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